Monday, October 19, 2009

5 Frugal Ideas For Living on a Dime

Does it seem like everything is going up while your paycheck stays to same? Everytime you buy groceries or gas, does it seem like you have to dig a little deeper in your pocket? With prices increasing everyday, let's come up with a plan to get the most from your money. Try these 5 frugal ideas for a living on a dime.

Make a grocery list and stay with it.

It's amazing how many people go into a store and just start grabbing stuff they need. This is exactly what supermarkets are hoping for. Supermarkets are designed to get the most money from impluse buys. This is why people go into the store for a gallon of milk and end up with a cart full of groceries. Make sure that everything on your list is truly needed.

Clip and use coupons

There's nothing wrong with using coupons. Studies show that you can save as much as10% your grocery bill just by using coupons for items that you're going to buy anyway. Also, check out online coupons for as much as 50% off certain items.

Eat out less at work.

Bring your lunch to work and save a ton of money. Just brown bag your lunch once in awhile and see the savings add up. Also, imagine how much money you'll save gas not driving to restaurants all of the time.

Eat out less often for supper.

Look on the internet for easy recipes that you can fix at home. Generally speaking, homemade meals are healthier and cheaper to cook. Also consider using a crock pot to cook your meals for you while you're at work. After you come home in the evening dinner will be ready to serve!

Find more productive ways to relieve stress

Some people go shopping to relieve stress after a long day. They've had a hard day at work and feel that they deserve something new. They'll get out their credit card, charge it, and go home with their shining new toy. Of course, buying things with your credit card can lead to more stress later on and higher bills.

Use these 5 frugal ideas for living on a dime to save money. Did you know that paying off debt can be one of the best investments that you can make? Use extra money in your budget to pay off debt and get your finances under control!

Frugal Ideas for Living On a Dime - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

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