Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Income Tax Refund Check - The Best Way to Spend It

Many people across America will be getting an income tax refund check this year. Of course, the government is hoping that you'll spend every dime of it to help the economy recover from recession. But hold on a minute! Is this really what you should do with your refund check?

Our elected leaders talk a lot about the economy. You've heard it before. The economy is up, or the economy is down. But should you really be worried about the economy?

Here's a fact about your personal life. It's not "the economy" that matters so much. It's "your economy "that really matters!

There's an old saying the goes like this:

"When the other guy loses his job, then it's a recession.
But when you lose your job - it's a depression!"

See the difference?

Most people are having financial difficulty today because they have too much debt. Some charge just to get by when times are tough. Others have too much money going out and not enough coming in. This is the main reason people why don't spend money
during a bad economy.

So what is the best thing that you can do to help our economy? The best way to make yourself and America stronger is to pay off debt. Paying off debt can lead to a more secure future and less doubt and worry.

Need proof? Here's a story to illustrate the point.

John has a Visa that is charging him 20% interestet. Now, John is just paying the minimum monthly payment on his card. What if John were to use his income tax refund check to completely pay off his credit card? Then, he would be making a 20% return on his investment! Why? Because interest saved is the same as interest earned. And the best thing about it is that you don't have to pay taxes on this 20%! Are you able to get a guaranteed 20% return in the stock market?

So even though Washington believes that you'll go out and wildly spend your tax refund check on products that will soon wear out, look at it from a different perspective. The best way to help your economy" is to pay off debt. This will make your finances stronger and help out the country as well.

Income Tax Rebate Check - Discover our debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Is The Best Debt Elimination System?

Many people are in a lot of debt and have more going out than coming in each month. This can be very painful and sometimes it seems like no relief is in sight. But if you could find a debt elimination system that really works it would solve most of these problems. Read on and discover a system that has worked for many people.

First, let's clear up something that's confusing to some people. Debt consolidation is not the same as debt elimination. Many people who consolidate their loans end up oweing more money than ever before. They end up charging up their credit cards after their balances have been paid off by a consolidation loan and end up in worse shape than before! So be aware of the slick advertising by these companies.

So what does work? The best option is a debt elimination system that totally gets rid off all of your debts. The first step is to stop creating more debt.
Second, come up with some extra money to pay off your current bills. Third, focus
that extra money on a system that get rid of your debts in the best order.

The key is to focus on one bill at a time until it has been completely eleminated.
Some people like to start with the highest interest rate debt. Others like to start paying off debts with the smallest balance. More people that start by paying off debts with the smallest balance report more success than those who don't.
Why? Because most people can have more success by paying off a debt with a smaller balance. If they have success early, then they'll be more likely to continue the program.

By using this system correctly, you can pay off all of your debts, including your
mortgage, in just 5 to 10 years. Now how would it feel to go to your mailbox each day and not have a pile of bills waiting for you?

Start using this debt elimination sytem today and get the life that you deserve!

Debt Elimination System - Discover our debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Debt Elimination Option - What is Your Best Choice?

There are so many choices out there to get debt relief. There's credit counseling services, debt consolidation, and debt management services just to name a few. Which of these programs is your best debt elimination option?

You want to follow a programs that completely eliminates your debt. Understand that we're not talking about debt consolidation. It is not the same as debt elimination. Research has proven that most people who go for debt consolidation end up worse off than before. This is because they use the money to pay off their credit cards and then something strange happens. Since they realize that their credit cards have zero balance, they start charging them up again! This leads people in more debt and worse financial shape than before. Debt consolidation companies know this and it's why they stay in business.

So how do you eliminate your debt without consolidation? One word - focus. First, you have to stop creating more debt to have a chance. In order words, don't use your credit cards anymore.

Second, you need find some extra money to pay off debts. What you'll do is find money in your current expenses that you're just "blowing" each month and don't even realize it. Start by carrying a pocket notebook around with you for 30 days. Now, write down everything that you spend money on, especially the cash transactions. You might be surprised to find several areas to make some cutbacks in. Besides cutting back at work, there are other areas to find extra money such as having less taxes taken out at work. Talk to your payroll department and see if that's an option for you. After you find areas to save extra money, start applying it to eliminating your debts.

The key is to focus on one debt at a time until it's completely gone! Now, I'm now talking about paying off the debt with the highest interest rate, either. This is a common myth that you hear in the media that doesn't always work. What works is to
start paying off the one with the lowest balance.

In my debt free classes, I teach students to start by paying off their debts with the lowest balance. Why? Because of human nature. They feel more motivated to pay off debt if they can get a small one out of the way and go on to the next one. If you start with a bigger, higher interest rate debt. It can take forever to pay it off and you won't feel like continuing much longer. Give yourself small success and then they'll build into bigger ones.

Be sure to put this debt elimination option to work today before another bill arrives in the mail.

Debt Elimination Option - Discover our debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Best Debt Relief Option

If you're struggling with debt, then you're probably looking for a debt relief option. There are so many choices, that it can be hard to understand which ones really work. I can tell you that only one has worked for me. It is a debt elimination system.

First, what do I mean by debt elimination? Debt elimination is when you completely pay off your debts by paying a little extra on them each month. It is not the same as debt consolidation, where you simply borrow money to pay off your credit cards but you still have a lot of debt.

The best debt elimination system focuses on paying off one debt at a time. In most cases, you start by paying off your debt with the smallest balance first. So let's say that you had 3 credit cards with the following balances: a Visa with $1,000, a Mastercard with $2,000, and a Discover with $3,000. You'd want to pay off the Visa first. Don't worry about interest rates. You would pay off the Visa, then after it's paid off, go on to your next debt - the Mastercard. After the Mastercard is paid off, you'd attack your Discover card. You go from the smallest debt to the largest debt. Of course, you'll need to stop charging on your credit cards in order to see the full results of this plan.

Now we need to come up with some extra money to pay of debt. We'll use this extra money to focus on one debt at a time until it's paid off. Some ways to find extra money might include cutting back on spending, selling items that you no longer need, a tax refund, or a part time job.

Cutting back on expenses is the best place to look. When I was looking for extra money to pay off debt, this is where I started. For example, I started brown bagging my lunch more often instead of eating out at work. Then, I would apply my savings to paying off debt. It was amazing how small expenses really added up to big savings.

Another thing that I did was to use more coupons at stores. I would just use coupons for items that I bought anyway. I started using them for groceries, oil changes, or whatever I normally would buy. Also, I put an insulation blanket around the hot water tank and noticed a huge drop in our bill each month.

My wife and I both came up with some slight changes in our budget until we had over $200 a month to apply to debt reduction. We didn't feel like we were "doing without", either. We just arranged how we used money differently.

By working on this goal and staying focused, we paid off $10,000 in debts in under 2 years on our modest teaching salary. If this can work us, it will work for you, also.

Use this system to eliminate your debt and get your life back in order.

Debt Relief Option - Discover our debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Smart Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Many people want to improve their credit scores, but they're not sure how. But the fact is that everytime you apply for credit your credit score is checked. Even if you apply for a job that involves money or some places to live, your credit score is checked. So keeping a good credit score is very important. Here are some smart ways to improve your credit score and get more control of your money.

Don't pay your bills late.

It's important to pay your bills on time. In fact, 35% of your credit score is based on this one idea. Schedule a certain day and time to pay your bills. This will make it part of your regular routine and you'll be less likely to pay a bill late.

Check your credit report

Look for mistakes on it that can damage your rating. For example, are there any relatives information on your account that shouldn't be there? Do they say that you owe $5,000 on a credit card, but you just owe $500? Look for any strange activity on your account statements and , if it occurs, report it immediately.

How to fix bad credit

One way to establish better credit is to take out a loan and quickly repay it.
If you can no longer qualify for other types of credit, then try to get a secured credit card.Try secured credit if you cannot qualify for other types of credit.
Bankruptcy should be avoided if at all possible.

Learn to Budget

Watch overspending because this usually leads to poor credit. A budget is a helpful spending plan that shows you what areas of your life you can spend less on.

Don't spend unless you have to

You can pay off your debt quickly by spending less. Then take the money that you're saving and put it towards your debts.

Avoid changing credit companies frequently

Changing companies frequently can make you appear less reliable and a bad risk.
As an alternative, call up your current credit card company and see if you can get a better rate. Just take the latest transfer offer that you've received from other companies and ask if you can have that rate. If they want to keep your business, they'll probably agree to it.

Pay down your debts

Paying down your debts is one of the best ways to boost your credit score. It's best to use a system to pay down debts that is predictable where you can see the results quickly. Look for ways to pay down all of your debts including your credit cards, car payments, and mortgage payment.

Use these smart ways to improve your credit score to boost your rating and save money in interest rates.

Improve Your Credit Score - Discover our Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Debt Free Living - How to Win at The Grocery Game

It seems that everytime you go to the grocery store prices keep getting higher. In order to save money with today's food prices, we have to have a plan. Some people even have to charge their groceries just to survive! Here's some grocery strategies that will help you with debt free living and win the grocery game.

1. Use your list. When going into the grocery store, you have to have a game plan. Your game plan is your list. Did you know that food advertisers spend over 7 billion dollars a year to persuade you to buy their products? Studies show that over 66% of the population decide their weekly eating purchases while in the store. This same group also spends 2 times as much through impulse buying. When making your grocery list, be sure to look at the weekly specials and plan your weekly meals around them.

2. Be sure to pay attention to the price per unit. Sometimes items that seem like a good deal really aren't. Around twenty percent of the store specials aren't "special" at all and close to the normal store price. Try to get items that are at least 25% off or more.

3. Buy items that you need when they go on sale. Don't wait to buy things that you must have right now. If you wait until it's a true need, then you'll usally pay a higher price. If a frequently needed item goes on sale, buy a three month supply of them. Usually, the lowest price will return in 3 months again. Also, focus on stocking up on expensive items such as meat and cheese when they're on sale.

4. Only buy food items at the grocery store.
Don't buy things such as toothpaste or other items that arean't grocery related. Stores make a high profit on these items because they hope you'll pick them up "while you're there anyway."

5. Look for certain types of brands. Here area the 3 types of brands and what you need to know about them:

a. national brands - These are the most expensive to buy. Did you know that 50% of the cost of a cereal box pays for the expensive national ads?

b. store brands These are the same quality as the national brands. Surprisingly, they don't spend as much on advertsing and pass on the savings to you. These products are typically 20% less than the national brand.

c. economy brands These quality of these types of brands may not be as good as store brands. They typically cost around 20% to 40% less. But sometimes you get what you pay for. The can be lower quality than store brands.

6. Avoid Frozen Dinners. Prepared foods such as frozen dinners and hot deli foods are usually more expensive. Most people buy these items because of convenience. One way to make your life easier is to cook twice as much as you need and then freeze the rest. When you come home from work, just heat it up and you have an instant meal!

7. Substitute ingrediants. Sometimes recipes will require you to use a certain spice or ingrediant that you don't have. Instead of running out to the store and buying that item, substitute or skip that item. This will save you time, money, and gas going to the store.

Use these grocery strategies to help you with debt free living and win the grocery game. Put these ideas to work and you'll have enough money to buy groceries without charging it on your credit cards.

If you would like to save money each month by paying off your credit cards, then check out the debt free living information below:

Debt Free Living - Sign up for our Debt Free Living Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Do I Pay Off Credit Card Debt Quick? A 9 Step Formula to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Many people would like to pay off their credit card debt. Use this simple formula to pay off your credit debt and get your life back in order:

1.Stop creating debt! If you want to eliminate your debt, the first step is to not create more of it.

2. Pay cash. Leave your credit card at home. Make a monthly budget that will allow you to live on cash. Use cash, checks, or a debit card for your purchases.

3. Get committed to a debt free plan. With a little focus, it's amazing what you can accomplish. Listed below is the best way to get started.

4. First, make a list of all of your debts.

5. Next, list the balances of each debt with the minimum monthly payment. For example, you may have a Mastercard with $2,000 and a minimum payment of $20.

6. After that, divide each debt by your minimum monthly payment. This will give you an estimate of how many months it will take you to pay it off each one.

7. Find a way to lower expenses and apply the savings to your first debt. For example, maybe you could start using coupons and save 10% on your grocery bill each month. Or maybe you could take your lunch to work instead of eating out and save over $100 a month. Now take this new savings and start eliminating your debt. Generally speaking, it's best to pay off the credit card with the smallest balance.

8. After your first debt has been completely paid off, roll the entire amount into the second debt. For example, if you were paying $20 a month to Mastercard and now it's paid off, go apply that same $20 a month to your second credit card. By the time you get to your last credit card, you'll have a sizable amount of money to attack the last bill.

9. Keep this rolling process up until you experience the debt relief you desire. Once you have your credit card debts paid, then you may want to start paying off other debts such as your car and house using this same idea. In fact, that's what some people do. You can have your credit cards, cars, and house totally paid for faster than you've ever thought possible buy using this system.

Use these steps to pay off credit debt and get control of your finances.

Pay Off Credit Card Debt - Sign up for the #1 debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Pay Off Your 30 Year Mortgage in 10 Years or Less

How would you like to pay off your mortgage early? Although it may sound difficult, it is possible to pay off your 30 year mortgage in 10 years or less by following a few simple steps. Paying off your mortgage could mean hundreds of extra dollars in your pocket each month. Here are 5 steps to pay off your mortgage faster.

1. Don't charge on your credit cards!

One of the first steps to getting out of debt is to avoid using your credit cards. You can't get out of debt and pay off your mortgage if you keep using your credit cards. When you go shopping, keep them at home. This will remove the temptation to use them and run up more debt.

2. Cut back and live within your means.

Start paying cash. Find ways to save money by reducing your monthly expenses. See if you can find a certain amount in your budget each month to start paying down on your debts. For example, maybe you could find a better deal on car insurance and apply that savings to paying off debt. How about using coupons at the grocery store and saving 10% on your bill each time? Little savings here and there can really add up. How much is not having a house payment worth to you?

3. After you have figured out how much extra money you can save each month, start applying these savings to paying down debt.

Remember that this is a process that could take a little time. You could discover some ways to save money next week, and then find a new way next week. It will really pay off when you no longer have to shell out big bucks for a house payment each month.

4. Here's how to apply the extra money you find towards your debts.

Begin by paying off your credit cards. Focus on paying off one credit card at a time. Focus all of your efforts on that one card until it's completely gone! Once your first credit card has been paid off, then focus on your next one.

After paying off all of your credit cards, start attacking your car payments. At this point, you should have quite a bit of extra money coming in each month since you have paid off your credit cards. Use this money to pay down your car loan.

5. Now that you no longer have car payments, start on your house.

Next, you'll pay off your mortgage. Just take the money that you were wasting on your credit card and car payments and use it to pay off your mortgage.

By focusing on these steps, you can have your 30 year mortgage paid off in 10 years or less! Now, how much extra money would you have this month if you didn't have any credit card payments, car payments, or a house payment? Use this proven system and find out!

Pay Off 30 Year Mortgage in 10 Years - Discover our #1 debt elimination couse that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

7 Signs That You Need to Make a Plan to be Debt Free

Should you make a plan to be debt free? Many people realize the benefits of debt free living. For example, if you were to lose your job, it would be much easier to handle the bills if you were debt free because you wouldn't have as many payments each month. Let's look at the 7 signs that you need to make a plan to be debt free.

7 Signs That You Need to Make a Plan to be Debt Free:

1. Do you take cash advances on your credit cards to pay monthly bills?

2. When your credit card bill arrives in the mail, do you have charges that you don't remember making?

3. Do you walk into the store with the purpose of buying one item but come out with several? Did you charge them because it was "on sale" and a good deal?

4. Whenever your credit card bill arrives, do you only pay the minimum payment?

5. Do you charge for things that you used to pay for with cash or a debit card?

6. Are you spending a lot of time worring about your finances?

7. Do you frequently pay your bills late?

Did you answer "yes" to any of these questions? Then, it's time to make a plan to be debt free before credit destroys your finances. There are many plans for getting out of debt, but the best ones never have you getting a loan to pay off other loans. This just usally leads to more problems later on.

In order to pay off debt, you need to make some cutbacks and use that extra money to pay it off. Use this information to make a plan to be debt free and get more control of your life.

Make A Plan To Be Debt Free - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Monday, October 19, 2009

5 Frugal Ideas For Living on a Dime

Does it seem like everything is going up while your paycheck stays to same? Everytime you buy groceries or gas, does it seem like you have to dig a little deeper in your pocket? With prices increasing everyday, let's come up with a plan to get the most from your money. Try these 5 frugal ideas for a living on a dime.

Make a grocery list and stay with it.

It's amazing how many people go into a store and just start grabbing stuff they need. This is exactly what supermarkets are hoping for. Supermarkets are designed to get the most money from impluse buys. This is why people go into the store for a gallon of milk and end up with a cart full of groceries. Make sure that everything on your list is truly needed.

Clip and use coupons

There's nothing wrong with using coupons. Studies show that you can save as much as10% your grocery bill just by using coupons for items that you're going to buy anyway. Also, check out online coupons for as much as 50% off certain items.

Eat out less at work.

Bring your lunch to work and save a ton of money. Just brown bag your lunch once in awhile and see the savings add up. Also, imagine how much money you'll save gas not driving to restaurants all of the time.

Eat out less often for supper.

Look on the internet for easy recipes that you can fix at home. Generally speaking, homemade meals are healthier and cheaper to cook. Also consider using a crock pot to cook your meals for you while you're at work. After you come home in the evening dinner will be ready to serve!

Find more productive ways to relieve stress

Some people go shopping to relieve stress after a long day. They've had a hard day at work and feel that they deserve something new. They'll get out their credit card, charge it, and go home with their shining new toy. Of course, buying things with your credit card can lead to more stress later on and higher bills.

Use these 5 frugal ideas for living on a dime to save money. Did you know that paying off debt can be one of the best investments that you can make? Use extra money in your budget to pay off debt and get your finances under control!

Frugal Ideas for Living On a Dime - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Debt Free Solutions - 3 Steps For Becoming Completely Debt Free

Many people are looking for ways to get out of debt. But getting out of debt can seem like one of the most difficult things in the world to do. Did you know that according to a U.S Government study, 96% of Americans will become financial failures by retirement? A lot of this has to do with debt. Read on and discover some debt free solutions that can help turn your situation around.

Why do people fail?

According to the same government study, the reason people fail is they want everything now. So instead of saving up for an item, many people use credit to get it. In fact, a lot of people take advantage of "buy now, pay later" deals. The problem is that later comes faster than most people think and they don't have the cash to pay it off. This is the main reason that consumer debt is at record levels in our country.

But understand that you're not to blame. The credit industry has put many people into this position by offering "no interest until next year" and "easy monthly payments." They realize that most people won't pay it off after awhile. They know that they'll make a ton of profit off of the consumer with outrageous interest charges that are designed to take every dime of your money!

How about some proof?

If you have a mortgage, you'll end up paying about 3 times the purchases price of your house with a 30 year loan. So if you buy a house for $200,000, then you'll really end up paying $600,000 for that house! The banks collect all of their profits in interest which leads to such a jump in price.

How about credit cards? If you were to charge $2,000 on your credit card, how long do you think it would take you to pay it off? Maybe a few months? Here's the answer. If you charged $2,000 and you only made the minimum monthly payments at 19% interest, it would take you over 31 years to pay it off! You would pay over $8,000 in interest alone!

So what are some debt free solutions?

You need total debt elimination.


First, make a list of all of your debts, including credit card payments, car payments, and your mortgage. Write down your balance and the minimum monthly payment on each one. There are many ways to pay off debt, but the best way is to start paying down your smallest debt first. This is because you'll stay more motivated. You'll have success much faster by getting rid of a smaller bill rather than a larger one. Usually, you'll list your credit cards first, then your car payments, and finally your mortgage.

The key is to focus on paying one debt at a time. Decide to focus on the debt with the smallest balance and start paying it down. After you have paid the first debt, then use that money to start paying off your second debt.

For example, if your first credit card bill had a minimum monthly payment of $65 a month, you would pay extra on it until it was gone. Now, after paying it off, you'd take that same $65 a month that you were wasting on the first bill and apply it to the second one. Of course, keep paying the minimum payments on all of the rest of your debts while doing this.

By the time your credit cards and car payments have been paid off, you'll have a large amount of money to pay off your mortgage. So the process is simple. After you pay off the first debt, then you eliminate the second one. After you pay off the second debt, then go after the third. After each debt if eliminated, you'll have more money to pay off the next one. Keep this process up until all of your debts are gone!

By following these debt free solutions, you can have a debt-free, stress-free life and be in more control of your money.

Debt Free Solutions - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Credit Card Debt Elimination Information

Americans are in more debt than at any time in the past. Gas, groceries, and bills are being charged at a rapid rate. Many people are running out of money before their next paycheck. If this sounds familar, then use this credit card debt elimination information to get more control of your financial future.

1. Reduce Spending.

Learn to live within your means. If you're in financial trouble, just take care of the basics and nothing else. Fix things rather than buying something new. Put off major purchases, and just take care of your present needs.

2. Quit Borrowing.
Credit cards are the number one reason for financial trouble. Start using your debt card, write checks, or pay cash for purchases. Hide or cut up your credit cards, but don't close your accounts. Closing your accounts can lead to a reduction in your credit score which will cause your interest rate to go up.

3. Find Extra Money.

After you have control of spending and borrowing, then let's focus on paying off debts. By cutting back on spending, you should start seeing come extra money coming into your life that you didn't have before. Use this money to start digging yourself out of debt. The secrets is to focus on paying one credit card at a time. Some people try to pay a little extra each month on different credit cards, but it doesn't make much difference. You'll need to focus on paying off one card at a time until it's completely gone. After you've paid off your first card, then focus all efforts on paying down your second one. Keep this process up until all your credit card debt has been completely eliminated.

What if you've tried to make cutbacks and there's still no room in your budget to payoff debt? Then find other ways to make money, such as an extra job. A service business is usually the best type of job to start. With this type of job, you can earn extra money at a much better rate than minimum wage. For example, if you can mow lawns, tutor kids, do consulting work, or perform a service in your neighborhood, then you'll make much more than working at a fast food restaurant. Also, you'll be more in charge of your time.

Use this credit card debt elimination information to reduce spending, quit borrowing, and find extra money to pay off debt. By taking these steps, you will eliminate your credit card debt and have more control of your money.

Credit Card Debt Elimination Information - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

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Friday, October 16, 2009

How to Clean Up and Improve Your Credit Score - 7 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Understanding your credit score can seem like a mystery. Your credit score is checked every time you apply for credit or try to get a job that involves handling money. Some people don't understand how important your credit score can be. You can improve your score by taking certain proven steps. In this article, I will discuss the 7 best ways to clean up and improve your credit score.

1. Pay your bills on time.

How important is this? Paying your bills on time makes up 35% on your credit score. Above all else, pay your credit card payments and mortgage on time.

2. Stay with your current credit card company as much as possible.

Don't switch credit card accounts too much. This make you appear unrealiable in the eyes of those who judge your credit. Instead, get a better interest rate by talking to your current credit card company and negotiate a better rate. Also, lenders like a stable history. Avoid moving or switching jobs too much. This can make you look unstable and not dependable.

3. Do your creditors have your updated address?

Don't look like someone who will default on loans by having wrong addresses. Creditors can think that you're trying to hide from them and your credit score will decline rapidly.

4. Be aware of identiy theft.

This is a problem that keeps increasing in the United States. Once a month, look at your account statements and make sure all activity on your account is legitimate. Report any criminal activity immediately.

5. Watch overspending.

By making a budget, you will avoid overspending. Budgets can help your spending decisions and allow you to know how much your expenses are for each area of your life. Also, be sure to set aside the same time of day for paying bills. This will allow you to have a regular routine to update your spending habits.

6. Don't forget to save.

Be sure to take out a certain amount each month to put into a savings plan. Also, be careful of spending on a whim. It can add up over time and leave you with more bills than you can handle.

7. Pay off debt.

This is the #1 way to improve your credit score. Also, don't close your credit accounts, even if you don't use them. Closing your accounts will decrease your credit score, not improve it.

Use these 7 steps to clean up and improve your credit score and get control of your money.

Ways to Improve Credit Score - Improve your credit score by signing up for our FREE debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Debt Elimination Reduction - Pay Off Debt Fast in 3 Easy Steps

If you've got credit card debt then you need debt elimination reduction system to pay off debt fast. Everyday that you're in debt is more money being taken away from you in unnessary finances charges. This is extra money that you have to get up everyday and go to work for just to give to the banks in profit. But is there really a way out? Is there a way to pay off debt fast? Read and learn about a proven formula to pay off credit card debt that is guaranteed to work.

First, start paying cash and stop using your credit card!

This may be difficult at first, but it has many rewards in the long run. When charging an item, most say to themselves, "I'll pay for it later." The problem is that later never comes and they're left deeper in debt. Your best choices are to write checks, use your debt card, or pay cash. This will keep you from running up new credit card debt while trying to pay off what you already have accumulated.

Next, cut back on spending

Find a way to live within your means and reduce the amount of money flowing out of your life. Create a budget and figure out where most of your money is going each month. You should have more money coming in, than you have going out. If you don't, find a way to either bring in more cash, cut back on expenses, or do both.

After that, start eliminating credit card debt!

First, start listing all of your credit cards on a sheet of paper. After that, write down the balances (how much you owe) from each credit card and add them all together. Next, divide each credit card by the minimum monthly payment. You will now have an idea of how many months it will take you to pay them down. Put any extra money that you have to paying off your credit card debt. This money can be found by cutting back on expenses that you really don't need or earning more. It's usually a good idea to pay off you smallest debts first and then work your way up to the larger ones.

Keep this up until all of your credit cards have been eliminated. The trick is to focus on one at a time and not get distracted.

Getting rid of your debts is the best investment that you can make in your future. In fact, it's entirely possible to take all of your debt and turn it into wealth!

Use this debt elimination reduction system to pay off debt fast and get your life back in order.

Debt Elimination Reduction - Discover how to Pay Off Your Debt Fast by signing up for our #1 debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pay Off Your Credit Card - 5 Steps to Get Out Of Debt Fast

Credit card debt is a major problem. It's very stressful to have so many bills with different due dates and balances that keep going up higher with each passing day. If you've been fighting with credit card debt, then here are some helpful guidelines that you need to know.

First, stop using your credit card. This will stop the current problem of running up more debt. Use checks or debt cards instead. Only use your credit card if it's a true emergency. Not for the next major sale.

Second, make a budget so that you know where all of your money is going. Carry a little notebook around for 30 days and write down all of your expenses, especially the cash transactions. It's easy to forget what you're spending money on until it's written down. At the end of 30 days, you should know where most of your money is going. Figure out some areas that you could cut back on and live within your means. Once you find some extra money, you will use this to start paying down on your credit card debt.

Third, don't consolidate your debt. Debt consolidation loans sound good at first, but usually they end up putting you deeper in debt. Why? Most people will pay off their credit cards with one of these loans and then what happens when their credit cards have zero balance? They start charging them up again. It's better to pay off debt for good and get rid of it, than to shift it around from one loan to another.

Fourth, focus on paying off one credit card at a time. Paying a little extra money on all of your credit cards doesn't get you anywhere. The key is to focus on one card until it's completely gone! Then after you pay off one, start paying off another credit card. Before you know it, you'll have several paid off just by using the power of focusing.

Finally, figure out a reward for yourself once your credit card debt has been paid off. What is the biggest reason to get rid of your debt? Would you like to have more choices in life and be free from nagging bills? How about taking a vacation and paying cash for it after all of your debts are gone? Once your credit card minimum payments are gone, you can take this money that you were wasting on debt payments and give yourself a nice trip and pay cash! Could you quit the job that you dislike and do something else instead? Think about what's import to you. This will keep you motivated throughout the debt payoff process.

Pay Off Credit Cards - Discover our free debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Should I Pay Off My Mortgage? - The Truth

Most people know that getting a mortgage is one of the biggest expenses in life. Recently, some people have been asking the question, "Should I pay off my mortgage?" or "Is it smart to pay off your mortgage?" Read on to discover the truth to these questions.

First let's talk about interest rates. Many people wonder if they should pay off their mortgage if they have a low interest rate. For example, they may have a 6% interest rate on their house and have been told that it's not smart to pay it off.

The truth is that nobody has a 6% interest rate. If you don't believe me, just look at your mortgage statement. Notice how the principal is really small and the interest is really big? Notice how 85% to 90% of your house payment goes to profit for the bank? The mortgage company always collects their profit up front for the first few years of the loan. So it's not really a 6% interest rate unless you pay it off during the first year! Now who does that?

Second, let's talk about a common myth - the mortgage tax deduction. How you ever heard someone say, "Don't give up your mortgae. It's the last best tax deduction that you have!" You know what? It's a lie.

Yes your mortgage is a tax deduction. But here's the truth - you're going to pay about 3 times the price of your house during the time you're in debt for 30 years.
Also, let's say that you're in the 30% tax bracket. Well, that means that the government is going to give you 30 cents for every $1 that you pay in interest. Wow! Does that sound like a good deal? To give the banks $1 and you get 30 cents back? That's what this so-called great "tax deduction" is about. If someone thinks that trading $1 for 30 cents is a good deal, then they need to have their head examined!

Also, here something that you may not know. Do you realize that the average person moves once every 7 years? Remember how the banks always collect their interest (profit) upfront before you actually start paying down your loan? This means that if you move once every 7 years, then you'll always be at the beginning part of a home loan paying 90% interest! This causes most people to have very little equity in their home when they decide to move because they have given most of their money to the bank!

Here's another little known fact. The word "mortgage" comes from the Latin word mortuus which means "death." The word "gage" means to pledge or grip. So you can see that the word mortgage really means "death grip!" There's no question that a mortgage is a long term burden that most people would be better without.

Paying off a mortgage is about more than just numbers and figures. It's about the choice of freedom. Freedom from all debt payments. What would your life be like if you had no mortgage payment, car payments, or credit card payments? How much better off would you be? Could you make some different choices in your life? Maybe you could stop going to the job you hate because "it pays the bills" and do something else instead.

You see, being debt free is really about taking back control of your life! So the answer to the questions, "Should I pay off my mortgage" and "Is it smart to pay off my mortgage?" are a loud "YES!" As fast as you can.

Should I Pay Off Mortgage? - Discover how to pay off your 30 year mortgage in 10 years or less.

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(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Steps to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early - The Best Way to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster

How would you like to be free from a house payment each month? Although it's possible to not have a mortgage payment, it can seem like one of the toughest things on the planet to do. There really are some steps to pay off your mortgage early that only a select few have known about until now. Learn about these little-known ways to pay off your mortgage at a quick pace. Try these 7 steps if you need to know the best way to pay off your mortgage faster.

1. Got debt? Stop it now!

It's time to cut up your credit cards! Or at least leave them at home the next time you go shopping. Remember that you need to stop the financial bleeding in your life.

2. Operate on a cash basis.

In other words, use cash, check, or debit cards when you pay for an item. We need to stop more money going out of your life if the form of credit card debt and finance charges.

3. Find ways to save money and cut expenses.

There are several ways to save money and cut back on everyday expenses if you just find them. For example, instead of eating out, maybe you could make a healthy, home cooked meal. Buy out of season and save big on clothes. Raise your deductable on car insurance and save as much as 50% on the premiums. Think about this carefully and find what expenses you might could eliminate or reduce. Once you find some extra money, you'll be able to pay off everything, including your mortgage, in a short period of time.

4. Figure out exactly how much extra money you can put into paying off debt each month. It should be money that you have found from cutting back on expenses. Now put this towards debt payoff.

5. Say goodbye to your credit card bills!

List your credit cards from the smallest balance to the largest balance. Focus on paying off one credit card at a time and then move on to the next one. By paying off your debts from smallest to largest, you'll see success earlier and have a better chance of sticking to your plan.

6. Once your credit cards have been paid off, then target your car payment.

Take the money that you were using to pay down your credit cards and start paying down on your car.

7. Once your car has been paid for, then start on your mortgage.

Think about this. How much money would you have to pay on your house if you didn't have any credit card payments or car payments? For most people, it would be several hundred dollars. It won't take long to pay off your house once your other debts are paid.

By following this system correctly, you should have your house paid off in 5 to 10 years. Imagine going to your mailbox and not having a big mortgage payment each month? Use this system to pay off your mortgage early and it could happen sooner than your might think.

Pay Off Your Mortgage Early - Discover our free debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Debt Relief Advice - Show Me The Money!

So you want to pay off your debts? That's a great decision. But where can you find the extra money that you need to payoff debt? You'll find it in your everyday expenses. In this article, I will give your proven debt relief advice and show you some areas of your life to save money.

Of course, one way to find extra money to pay off debt is to sell unwanted items, get a temporary job, and use your tax return to pay off debt. However, the best way to pay off debt is to save money by eliminating expenses in certain areas. Start saving money by looking at these 4 areas in your life. Let's talk about ways to save on food, clothes, cars, and utilities.

Food Expenses

You can save a ton of money by shopping for groceries that right way. All you need to do is use coupons for items that you're going to buy anyway. Also, don't spend so much on frozen meals and prepared foods. This will run your bill up twice as high then if you prepared it yourself. When cooking at home, prepare twice the amount and freeze the leftovers. This will give you a frozen meal that will thaw in seconds when you come home from a hard day's work.

Here another tip. My family has saved a ton of money on food each month by joining a coop/volunteer food program. You can buy food at reduced prices by joining with others across the nation who also want cheaper meals.

One of the best sources for this that I have found is called Angel Food Ministries.
You can look them up at and see for yourself!


You don't have to settle for low quality cheap clothes to save money. It's possible to buy nice, high quality clothes if you time it just right. First, purchase smart. Buy classic styles and and avoid clothes that will go out of style soon. Stock up at end-of-the-year sales. Also, wash and dry your garments inside out and they'll last much longer.


First, don't buy a new car. What happens to a new car as soon as you drive it off the lot? That's right, it goes down in value. In fact, new cars lose up to 50% of their value in depreciation during the first two or three years. Instead, buy a car around 2 or 3 years old to get the most value for your money.

Also, increase the fuel efficiency by of your car by getting tune-ups and scheduled oil changes. Make sure that your tires are properly aired and rotated within your normal routine. This will help you save as much as 10% in auto expenses.


There are several ways to save money on your monthly utility bill. Start by changing your air filter on a regular basis. Unclean air filters can add 5% or more to your energy bill each month. Also, use your microwave more and your oven less. Ovens use about 3 times the energy of a microwave. Also, get the most out of your hot water tank by putting an insulation blanket around it. This will make it last longer and lead to more efficient heating.

Use this debt relief advice to reduce your expenses and find money to pay off debt.

Debt Relief Advice - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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5 Frugal Ideas For Living on a Budget

Are you tired of prices going up on everyday expenses? Do you have very little money left after you get paid? Then, it's time to come up with a plan to make sure that you get the most out every dollar you earn. Here are 5 frugal ideas for a living on a budget that will leave you with more money in your pocket after you get paid.

1. Let's talk about grocery shopping. It' important that you make and list and only get the items on that list. Also, make sure that everything on your list is really neccessary and not just a want. In you really want to get the most for your money, then shop the sales and buy things in bulk for more discounts. Be sure to look at the price per unit when comparing items to make sure it's a good value.

2. What about coupons? Coupons can save you a ton of money on items that you're going to buy anyway. Start clipping coupons and organize them. Using coupons can save you as much as 10% on your bill. That can really add up over time. Look into purchasing dining and shopping coupons online. You can print these off at home and save at least 50% on purchases.

4. Eat out less often while at work. Brown bag your lunch, instead. A sandwich, potato chips, and soda costs a lot less from home than to go eat out at a sub shop. The average American spend around $200 a month just eating out for lunch at work.

5. Avoid eating out for dinner. Eating out for dinner can be one of the most expensive meals of the day. Plan to make easy-to-cook homemade meals when you get home. Using a crock pot is a no brainer. It will cook for you while you're at work. Make eating out a special occasion that you'll enjoy more.

Bonus tip: Don't shop because you're bored or need stress relief. Instead, try renting a movie or going to the park. Avoid buying things with your credit card. Using your card will just lead to more stress later on when the bills arrive.

Use these frugal ideas for living on a budget to have more money in your pocket at the end of each month.

Ideas for Living on a Budget - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people live on a budget and obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

8 Ideas For Frugal Living

Have you noticed that prices keep going up while your paycheck doesn't? In today's world saving can be very difficult. Here are 8 ideas for frugal living. Get your money under control by trying these money saving tips and tricks.

1. Understand the difference between needs and wants. Figure which items in your life are truly needs and which items are just wants. Remember to focus on your needs first, and your wants second.

2. Remember the basics. Spend your money first on basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. These needs are the most important value for your money. These are things that you need and can't live without. Keep them in mind when making a budget.

3. Make a list. Whenever you go shopping, it helps to make a list and stick to it. This will keep you from impulse buying which is a trap that most stores love to set for you. As long as an item in your life is still useful, be happy with what you have and avoid any costly purchases just because it's "new."

4. Try it before you buy it. By trying an item out first, this will let you know if you'll be happy with it and not be stuck with a bad purchase. You work hard for your money, so make sure that the item you're buying is really worth it. Avoid buying things that you don't know much about. Ask around to see if it is effective and made of good quality. By doing this, you'll spend your money wisely so that it fits into your budget.

5. Make a plan. Be sure to budget your money first before spending it. Make sure that you're only buying items that are a true need. Also, shop for items out of season and stock up when prices are low. For example, buy your winter clothes when it's hot and your summer clothes when it's cold. This will lead to huge discounts.

6. Be sure to comparison shop. Look for prices at several stores and don't limit yourself. Take the time to find the best price. Some store offer lower prices or even packaged deals for more expensive items. Also, compare with prices online.

7. Conserve electricity and save money. If an appliance is not being used, turn it off. Buying energy-saving light bulbs can save you a lot of money and use 80% less energy.

8. Travel Wisely. Save on transportation costs by planning ahead. Make a list of where you are going before driving all over the place. Figure out which places are close to each other so that you can plan your routes better.

Save money, gas, and time by using these ideas for frugal living. Apply these money saving tips and tricks to your life and see what a difference it can make.

Ideas for Frugal Living - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Frugal Living For Singles

Some singles feel that they can spend money or charge whatever they want. But most people know that this will just lead to disaster. With the high costs of groceries and gas, it is a good idea to follow some frugal living ideas for singles. In this article, we're going to give you some ideas for a living on a budget, without living like a hermit in a cave.

The first thing that you want to do is not give the grocery store any more money than you have to. In other words, make a list when going grocery shopping and stick to it! Be careful about impulse buying. Stores are designed to get you to buy more than you came for. When making a grocery list be sure that everything is a true need. Buying items in bulk can lead to bigger discounts.

Second, eat out less often. Americans spend an average of $200 per month just eating out for lunch everyday. Instead, brown bag your lunch more often and watch how much you save. A homemade sandwich and chips is a lot cheaper than same one prepared at a subway shop.

Third, learn to use coupons. If you're throwing out coupons with your Sunday paper, then you're throwing money in the trash. Take time to cut out coupons for foods that you're going to buy anyway. You can save as much as 10% with each grocery trip. This can add up to a significant savings for food that you need to buy this week.

Fourth, avoid using credit cards. You can buy things cheaper for cash. This is due to the expensive finance charges on credit cards. Also, if you have to use your credit card, pay your bill if full when it comes in and don't just pay the minimum balance. Be careful about paying your credit card late. The banks enjoy hitting your account with late fees, which is extra profit for them.

Fifth, eat dinner at home. You can enjoy homemade dinners often. Try to find easy recipes to cook that allow you to have leftovers. You could take the leftovers to work and eat them for your lunch the next day. Also, make use of your crock pot if you have one. You can have dinner ready for you when you get home from work by letting it cook for you all day long. Eating out once in awhile will be more special than if you did it everyday.

Finally, save on energy costs by replacing old light bulbs with the newer, more energy efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. They last longer and use about 80% less energy. This will save you time in having to replace light bulbs often.

Use these frugal living for singles ideas to help plan your budget and navigate your way through everyday life.

Frugal Living for Singles - Discover the #1 Debt Elimination Course that has helped many singles obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

5 Tips for Creating a Family Budget

If you are creating a family budget it can be difficult to know where to begin. There seems to be a maze of confusing numbers that makes it difficult to understand what's going on. But don't be confused or give up. Knowing where your money is going each month is important to becoming better off financially. Keep reading and discover these 5 simple tricks for creating a family budget.

1. Add up how much money you bring in each month. Start by collecting three months of your paychecks to get your average monthly earnings.

2. Collect three months of your monthly expenses. You'll want to include bills like car payments, phone bill, rent or house payment, and credit cards. Also, include expenses that change month to month such as groceries and utilities. Add them up and divide by the number of bills you have to get an average.

3. Look at the results of averages. Subtract your average income from your average monthly expenses. You have more going out than you have coming in if you end up with a negative number. In this case, be prepared to make some changes in your expenses. Spend less on some items that are really unnecessary. For example, are you eating out too much? Do you pay too much for homeowners and car insurance? Is there a way to save money on groceries by using coupons?

4. Now it will be easier to develop a family budget since you know the facts of your income and expenses. Decide out how much you spend each month on expenses and allow for it when you get your next paycheck.

5. After a couple of months ask yourself, "Is this working for me?" Make some changes if you need to. This is a process that could take some time get it right. After you figure out where all of your money is going, you'll be able to make better decisions about your money because you're in control.

Creating a Family Budget - Discover our Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ideas For Frugal Spending

With the rapid increase in prices, a lot of people are looking for ideas to save money. So what are some ways to get the most from your money? Use these 3 ideas for frugal spending in your life to get more control of your finances. In this article, we'll discuss how to shop smart, eat out less, and save on energy costs.

1. Shop Smart! Take a look at how much you spend on monthly payments and come up with a monthly spending plan. It's a good idea to compare prices of different items. Instead of buying on impulse, comparison shop using your phone or computer. While shopping around, look for lower prices and special deals at other stores. Also, buy items when they are out of season for great discounts. For example, buy garden hoses and lawn mowers at the end of the season to take advantage of maximum savings.

2. Eat out less. Eat healthier and save money by eating homemade dinners. You can make homemade meals much cheaper than eating out which can save a ton of money. In addition, brown bag your lunch to eat at work a few days a week. When you do go out to eat, it will be more of a special treat than if you do it everyday.

3. Save money on energy. Replace old light bulbs with the newer, energy efficient ones and save as much as 80% on energy costs. The bulbs costs more at first, but they pay for themselves in the long run. Also, if an appliance is not in use, be sure to turn it off. In addition, it is important to travel wisely. Get organized before driving around town and make a list of places to go. Decide which route that you can take that will not put a lot of miles on your car. Use this plan to save on gas, money, and time.

By applying these ideas for frugal spending, you'll be in more control of your money and save on gas as well.

Ideas for Frugal Spending
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Tips for A College Student's Budget

Are you a college student who has been busy lately? It's easy to forgot about your financial life with all of the studying, part-time jobs, hanging out with friends, and extra activities. Read on and discover some proven tips for a college student's budget.

1. Think ahead. Decide where your money is coming from. Make a list of all of your income sources. This could include money from parents, your student loan, or your part-time job. Next, figure out what your monthly expenses will be. Include your monthly costs for books, foods, and activities. Now compare your income to your expenses. Make sure that you have enough. Also, allow for emergencies. After creating a budget, make sure you stick to it.

2. Watch eating out. When you were living with your parents, you probably didn't have to worry about food expenses. But in college, it will be one area that you'll need to watch. Watch eating out at fast food places, as this will most likely to kill your budget. Instead, use your food allowance, pack your lunch, and plan meals as much as possible.

3. Use student discounts. Make your student ID's and memberships in organizations count! Receive discounts in several establishments. They can really add up over time and save you a ton of money.

4. Use cash if possible. If you have a Student ID card, use the money that you have on it first. Try not to use your debit card when you have cash with you. Credit cards should only be used in emergencies. Today students are leaving school with a ton of credit card debt that will take foreever to pay off due to careless spending habits while in college.

5. Stay active. Try joining clubs in your area of interest. Keeping busy will help your stay away from things that you spend money on when you get bored. Use these tips for a college student's budget to help you save money and spend less on items that you really don't need. You'll be glad you did.

Tips for a College Student's Budget - Discover money saving tips for students with our Debt Elimination Course that has helped over 300 students obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to Create a Budget with a Monthly Budget Planner

How would you like to create a budget? It can seem like climbing Mount Everest if you don't know how. There's no question that you'll be in more control of your money if you know how to create a budget. Use these 3 steps below to make your own monthly budget planner.

1. Know how much you make each month.

Create a list of all of your income sources. Be sure to include jobs in which you earn extra money on a regular basis. This could be part time jobs along with your regular job. Add everything up and jot it down.

2. Figure out your expenses every month.

You'll want to make sure that you list clothing, food, gas, utilities, and housing costs. If you save your receipts for one month, you'll get an accurate idea of where your money is going and how much these expenses are each month.

3. Do you make enough to pay all of your monthly bills?

Figure out if you make enough each month to pay your bills. If not, then consider cutting back in certain areas. Most people can save quite a bit of money in the areas of eating out and entertainment. Look for other cheaper alternatives.

Also, see if there are any monthly services that you subscribe to that you really don't use. For example, do you really watch all of those T.V. channels? Are there a lot of unread magazines piling up at your house from subscriptions that you don't use? You might be surprise with how much extra money that you can save.

After you figure out your income and expenses, then it will be easier to create a budget.

Next, try to estimate what your expenses will be next month. If you don't know, save your receipts and bills for 30 days to get some real numbers of how much your expenses are each month. Perfecting a budget takes time and is an ongoing learning experience. Just stick with this plan for about 3 months and you'll be in charge of your money. Isn't that the way life should be?

How to Create a Budget - Discover our Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

How About Creating A Family Budget?

How do you start creating a family budget? It can be seem like a very complex and confusing process for those just beginning. But don't let this bother you. Read on and learn how creating a family budget can be as simple as 5 easy steps.

First, figure out how much money you earn each month. Save three months of your paycheck stubs. After that, just add that up. Now divided to get your average monthly earnings.

Second, save three months of your monthly bills. These bills should include fixed expenses such as your car payment, rent, house payment, credit card payments and other bills. Also, figure out your food bill and other expenses that may vary from month to month. Add them up and get the average.

Third, look at the results of averages. Subtract your average income from your average monthly expenses. If you have more money going out than you have coming in, then you'll need to adjust some of your expenses. Cut back on some items that are really unnescessary. For example, how many of those 265 television channels do you really watch? Could you raise your deductable and pay less for car insurance? Could you use coupons each week and save 10% on your grocery bill?

Next, when you know how much you have in income and expenses, develop a family budget. Know how much you're spending each month on expenses
Be sure to allow for it when you get your next paycheck.

Finally, see if your family budget is working for you buy keeping track. It's fine to make adjustment if you need to. Budgeting is an ongoing process that may take a few months to get it down. Once you understand where all of your money is going, you'll have more control of your future and be able to make better financial decisions.

Creating A Family Budget - Discover how to become completely debt-free, including your mortgage, in 5 to 7 years. Sign up for our course that has helped many people achieve a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped over 300 people.)

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Turn Debt Into Wealth Video - Step 1

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Credit Card Debt Reduction - 4 Proven Ways to Reduce Credit Card Debt

Many people are looking for ways for credit card debt reduction. However, breaking free can seem like one of the toughest things on the planet to do. Read on and discover 4 proven ways to reduce credit card debt. Look at the different scenarios and see which one applies to your situation the most. We'll look at debt relief programs, equity lines of credit, balance transfers, and the focused payoff method.

Debt Relief Programs

Are you getting collection calls and behind on your payments?

Then a debt relief company may be the best option for you. This is for people who don't want to file for bankrupcy, but need relief from their creditors. It should be used as a last resort because it can negatively affect your credit score for many years to come. A debt relief company will contract your creditors and make arrangements to reduce credit card debt for a fee. The fee may be monthly or based on a percentage of your debt. Check with each company to find out.

They can help stop the collection calls, lower your monthly payments, and stop legal action against you. If you're at the end of your rope, this may work for you.

Equity Lines of Credit

Do you have equity built up in your home?

Then this may be a good option for you. With a home equity line of credit, you can get a low interest rate loan by borrowing against the equity in your home. After receiving the loan, then you'll pay off your credit card debt. Of course, be sure to make your new payments on time or the bank could end up with your house!

Balance Transfers

If you still have good credit, then you are probably getting credit card balance transfer offers in the mail. These are the advertisements the offer you a low introductory rate, such as 0%, for switching to a new credit card. The offer usually lasts about 12 months. You can switch your higher interest rates to the new, lower interest rate and save money in interest and get a lower monthly payment. More of your money is applied to the principal, which is a good credit card reduction technique. Be sure that you read the fine print of the transfer fees. Some fees can be as much as 3% of the total balance, which will eat up much of your savings. Also, be sure to find out what your interest rate will be once the introdutory period is over.

Focused Payoff Method

Do you want a proven system to pay off your credit cards in the shortest time frame that doesn't involve getting a loan or switching companies?

If you can still pay all of your bills on time, then the best method to use is the focused payoff method. With this system, you begin by listing all of your debts from smallest to largest. Then, you come up with a little extra money in your budget to pay off debt. Focus all of your extra money on paying off the first debt and only the first debt. Once the first debt has been paid off, then focus paying down on the second one. Keep this process up until all of your debts have been completely wiped out. By using this system, most people can have their credit cards paid off in a matter of months.

How would it feel to be free of big monthly payments each month? What could you do with all of that extra money each month? Use this proven system and find out.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you focus on your goal of credit card debt reduction. Reading articles like this one is a great start.

But where can you find the right information?

If you would like to learn more about the focused payoff method, then I'd recommend you check out the resource below:

Credit Card Debt Reduction - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.

How to Turn Debt To Wealth

Many people are starting to wonder if it is really possible to turn debt to wealth. Believe or not, it works. It really works. I have used this system to climb out of debt on a teaching salary. If it can work for me, then it can work for you, too. The debt to wealth plan involves goal setting, focusing, and investing.

1. Goal setting - It's important to start your debt to wealth plan with a goal. Why do you want to be out of debt? What will you do once you're debt free and have plenty of money? Figure this out now, and because it will keep you motivated many months down the road.

2. Focusing - Here's the big secret. The reason most people aren't successful is due to lack of focus. It's important to focus on paying off one debt at a time. Find some extra money to start paying on debts each month. Then, focus on your first debt. Do not stop until that first bill is completely gone. Next, start on the second bill, and so on. Before long, you'll have a lot of extra money coming in. How? Because you'll no longer have minimum monthly credit card payments! Now how would that feel?

3. Investing - After you have paid off all of your debts, then it's time to start investing. Just take the money that you were wasting on debt payments and invest instead. Before long, you'll have a sizeable amount of money to do whatever you want. This is the real secret of turning debt to wealth.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you focus on your goal turning debt to wealth. Reading articles like this one is a great start.

But where can you find the right information to help get rid of your debts?

If you would like to learn more about the this focused payoff method, then I'd recommend you check out the resource below:

Debt to Wealth - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.

Is It Really Possible to Turn Your Debt Into Wealth?

Turn your debt into wealth. It seems like something out of the movies, doesn't it? But there really are individuals who have learned a system to do this. What is their secret? Let's find out.

Imagine for a moment what your life would be like if you have no credit card payments. What if you also had no car payments, no student loans, no house payment, no debt whatsoever? Would you better off?

This is exactly what some people are doing. They are using a system to get completely out of debt. Then, once they are totally debt-free, they use this same money that was being wasted on debt payments and build wealth. How?

If you had none of these payments, then you'd have a lot of money coming in each month, right? Now what would happen if you took all of this extra money and started investing it? In a short time frame, you would have quite a nest egg built up and turn your debt into wealth. It wouldn't take long to have enough money to actually start having some choices in life. Maybe you don't want to work at the same job anymore and go do something else.

When you're debt free, you can have more choices. You don't have to keep working at a job because, "it pays the bills."

So pay off debt first, and then build your wealth second. You'll be thankful that you did.

Debt into Wealth - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Mortgage Early Payoff System - Do's and Don'ts

Most people would like to follow a mortgage early payoff system. That can be a very difficult thing to get right. So here are some do's and don'ts to follow when considering a mortgage early payoff system:

First, let's talk about the don'ts:

Don't keep charging excessively on your credit cards It's hard to get out of debt if you keep putting yourself right back into it. Limit or total eliminate credit card use altogether.

Don't keep your mortgage just because you've been told that it's a great tax deduction This is crazy. If you're in the 30% tax bracket, then the government will give you 30 cents for every dollar in interest that you spend. Do you really think that trading a dollar for 30 cents is a good deal?

Don't worry about interest rates. This will go against almost everything that you hear, but here's the truth: interest rates really don't matter when paying off debt. What matters is how quickly you can pay them off. We'll talk more about this in a minute.

Now, let's talk about the do's:

Find some extra money to start paying down debt. Look for this money in your monthly expenses. Is there an area that you can cut back and find some extra money? For example, could you eat out a little less and make healthy meals at home? Or, if you're getting a big tax refund every year, maybe you could have less taxes taken out at work and use more of that money to pay off debt. Just ask your payroll department at work.

Use the extra money that you find to pay down on debt. Just list all of your debts from the smallest balance to the largest balance. Now, focus on paying off your smallest debt first. For most people, they will list their credit cards first, then car payments, and then a mortgage. Start paying off your debts in this order. After you pay off your credit cards and car payments, then you should have a lot of money coming in each month to pay down your mortgage.

Once your mortgage has been paid off, then start investing in your future. After your house has been paid, then you'll have a lot of money coming into your life because these monthly payments are gone. Use that money to start investing in your retirement.

Most people who use this mortgage early payoff system can be completely debt free in 5-10 years. Put this system to use and see the results in your life, also.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you focus on your goal of a mortgage early payoff. Reading articles like this one is a great start.

But where can you find the right information to help get rid of your debts?

Mortgage Early Payoff - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Early Mortgage Payoff - Joe's Success Story

Joe was like most people who, at one point in life, wanted to get rid of all of his debts and have more control over his own future. He did what a lot of people did, which was to pay a little here and there on his debts and failed. However, Joe was different than most people, he didn't give up on his first try. He wanted an early mortgage payoff.

Most people who try to get out of debt fail. It's because they don't have any focus. Of course, this is understandable. How often do we do something right the first time we attempt it? What Joe discovered was a way to focus paying off his debts in a way that would make it impossible to fail. It was a simple math system that took advantage of the fact that he was deeply in debt.

Joe had the typical debt that everyone else had. He had credit cards, car payments, student loans, and even a mortgage. He knew that if all of this money wasn't going out then he could keep most of it and actually live a nice life. He also knew that he wouldn't have to face the pressure of going to work each day at a job he didn't like because, "it paid the bills." Joe was desperately trying to find a way out.

Then, one day he discovered a unique system called the focused payoff method. With this system, Joe starting listing all of his debts. He made a chart that had the following columns at the top: name of debt, mimimum payment, and total balance owed. Joe listed his debts from smallest to largest in the order that he would pay them off. Most people are worried about interest rates, but Joe knew that it didn't matter. He would just list his debts in this order from the smallest to largest. Then he would focus on paying off the first one and only the first one. He would see success faster by paying off his smallest debts first. He knew that after paying off the first one, he would be more motivated to pay off the second, third, and the rest.

So that's exactly what Joe did. He found some extra money in his monthly expense to start paying off debt. He was able to save money by not eating out at work as much. Instead, he brown bagged his lunch a couple times of week. Also, he had less money taken out of his paycheck in taxes by ajusting his witholding. He just talked to the payroll department at work and filled out a new form. He found other areas in his life to save money on that was being wasted on unnescessary expenses.

When Joe started applying this extra money to his first debt, he was amazed. His credit cards were paid off in a matter of months, not years. Then he paid off his cars. After his credit cards and cars were paid off, he started attacking the mortgage. Joe had quite a bit of money coming in that he was wasting on credit cards and car payments. He used this extra money to pay down on his mortgage. Of course the mortgage took awhile to pay off, but not 30 years. Joe just kept sticking to the plan and paid all of his debts off, including his mortgage in 6 years!

Today Joe doesn't have a house payment, credit card payments, or car payments. He can pay cash for most things, and if he does use a credit card, he pays off the balance quickly. More importantly, Joe is using this extra money to start investing in his retirement. He knows that someday he'd like to enjoy his retirement and travel around the world. He is happier and living a debt-free, stress free live. It all began when he decided to follow this system for an early mortgage payoff.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you focus on your goal of becoming debt-free. Reading articles like this one is a great start.

But where can you find the right information to help pay off your mortgage faster?

Early Mortgage Payoff - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.