Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tips for A College Student's Budget

Are you a college student who has been busy lately? It's easy to forgot about your financial life with all of the studying, part-time jobs, hanging out with friends, and extra activities. Read on and discover some proven tips for a college student's budget.

1. Think ahead. Decide where your money is coming from. Make a list of all of your income sources. This could include money from parents, your student loan, or your part-time job. Next, figure out what your monthly expenses will be. Include your monthly costs for books, foods, and activities. Now compare your income to your expenses. Make sure that you have enough. Also, allow for emergencies. After creating a budget, make sure you stick to it.

2. Watch eating out. When you were living with your parents, you probably didn't have to worry about food expenses. But in college, it will be one area that you'll need to watch. Watch eating out at fast food places, as this will most likely to kill your budget. Instead, use your food allowance, pack your lunch, and plan meals as much as possible.

3. Use student discounts. Make your student ID's and memberships in organizations count! Receive discounts in several establishments. They can really add up over time and save you a ton of money.

4. Use cash if possible. If you have a Student ID card, use the money that you have on it first. Try not to use your debit card when you have cash with you. Credit cards should only be used in emergencies. Today students are leaving school with a ton of credit card debt that will take foreever to pay off due to careless spending habits while in college.

5. Stay active. Try joining clubs in your area of interest. Keeping busy will help your stay away from things that you spend money on when you get bored. Use these tips for a college student's budget to help you save money and spend less on items that you really don't need. You'll be glad you did.

Tips for a College Student's Budget - Discover money saving tips for students with our Debt Elimination Course that has helped over 300 students obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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