Saturday, October 24, 2009

Smart Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Many people want to improve their credit scores, but they're not sure how. But the fact is that everytime you apply for credit your credit score is checked. Even if you apply for a job that involves money or some places to live, your credit score is checked. So keeping a good credit score is very important. Here are some smart ways to improve your credit score and get more control of your money.

Don't pay your bills late.

It's important to pay your bills on time. In fact, 35% of your credit score is based on this one idea. Schedule a certain day and time to pay your bills. This will make it part of your regular routine and you'll be less likely to pay a bill late.

Check your credit report

Look for mistakes on it that can damage your rating. For example, are there any relatives information on your account that shouldn't be there? Do they say that you owe $5,000 on a credit card, but you just owe $500? Look for any strange activity on your account statements and , if it occurs, report it immediately.

How to fix bad credit

One way to establish better credit is to take out a loan and quickly repay it.
If you can no longer qualify for other types of credit, then try to get a secured credit card.Try secured credit if you cannot qualify for other types of credit.
Bankruptcy should be avoided if at all possible.

Learn to Budget

Watch overspending because this usually leads to poor credit. A budget is a helpful spending plan that shows you what areas of your life you can spend less on.

Don't spend unless you have to

You can pay off your debt quickly by spending less. Then take the money that you're saving and put it towards your debts.

Avoid changing credit companies frequently

Changing companies frequently can make you appear less reliable and a bad risk.
As an alternative, call up your current credit card company and see if you can get a better rate. Just take the latest transfer offer that you've received from other companies and ask if you can have that rate. If they want to keep your business, they'll probably agree to it.

Pay down your debts

Paying down your debts is one of the best ways to boost your credit score. It's best to use a system to pay down debts that is predictable where you can see the results quickly. Look for ways to pay down all of your debts including your credit cards, car payments, and mortgage payment.

Use these smart ways to improve your credit score to boost your rating and save money in interest rates.

Improve Your Credit Score - Discover our Debt Elimination Course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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