Friday, October 16, 2009

How to Clean Up and Improve Your Credit Score - 7 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Understanding your credit score can seem like a mystery. Your credit score is checked every time you apply for credit or try to get a job that involves handling money. Some people don't understand how important your credit score can be. You can improve your score by taking certain proven steps. In this article, I will discuss the 7 best ways to clean up and improve your credit score.

1. Pay your bills on time.

How important is this? Paying your bills on time makes up 35% on your credit score. Above all else, pay your credit card payments and mortgage on time.

2. Stay with your current credit card company as much as possible.

Don't switch credit card accounts too much. This make you appear unrealiable in the eyes of those who judge your credit. Instead, get a better interest rate by talking to your current credit card company and negotiate a better rate. Also, lenders like a stable history. Avoid moving or switching jobs too much. This can make you look unstable and not dependable.

3. Do your creditors have your updated address?

Don't look like someone who will default on loans by having wrong addresses. Creditors can think that you're trying to hide from them and your credit score will decline rapidly.

4. Be aware of identiy theft.

This is a problem that keeps increasing in the United States. Once a month, look at your account statements and make sure all activity on your account is legitimate. Report any criminal activity immediately.

5. Watch overspending.

By making a budget, you will avoid overspending. Budgets can help your spending decisions and allow you to know how much your expenses are for each area of your life. Also, be sure to set aside the same time of day for paying bills. This will allow you to have a regular routine to update your spending habits.

6. Don't forget to save.

Be sure to take out a certain amount each month to put into a savings plan. Also, be careful of spending on a whim. It can add up over time and leave you with more bills than you can handle.

7. Pay off debt.

This is the #1 way to improve your credit score. Also, don't close your credit accounts, even if you don't use them. Closing your accounts will decrease your credit score, not improve it.

Use these 7 steps to clean up and improve your credit score and get control of your money.

Ways to Improve Credit Score - Improve your credit score by signing up for our FREE debt elimination course that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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