Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Pay Off Your 30 Year Mortgage in 10 Years or Less

How would you like to pay off your mortgage early? Although it may sound difficult, it is possible to pay off your 30 year mortgage in 10 years or less by following a few simple steps. Paying off your mortgage could mean hundreds of extra dollars in your pocket each month. Here are 5 steps to pay off your mortgage faster.

1. Don't charge on your credit cards!

One of the first steps to getting out of debt is to avoid using your credit cards. You can't get out of debt and pay off your mortgage if you keep using your credit cards. When you go shopping, keep them at home. This will remove the temptation to use them and run up more debt.

2. Cut back and live within your means.

Start paying cash. Find ways to save money by reducing your monthly expenses. See if you can find a certain amount in your budget each month to start paying down on your debts. For example, maybe you could find a better deal on car insurance and apply that savings to paying off debt. How about using coupons at the grocery store and saving 10% on your bill each time? Little savings here and there can really add up. How much is not having a house payment worth to you?

3. After you have figured out how much extra money you can save each month, start applying these savings to paying down debt.

Remember that this is a process that could take a little time. You could discover some ways to save money next week, and then find a new way next week. It will really pay off when you no longer have to shell out big bucks for a house payment each month.

4. Here's how to apply the extra money you find towards your debts.

Begin by paying off your credit cards. Focus on paying off one credit card at a time. Focus all of your efforts on that one card until it's completely gone! Once your first credit card has been paid off, then focus on your next one.

After paying off all of your credit cards, start attacking your car payments. At this point, you should have quite a bit of extra money coming in each month since you have paid off your credit cards. Use this money to pay down your car loan.

5. Now that you no longer have car payments, start on your house.

Next, you'll pay off your mortgage. Just take the money that you were wasting on your credit card and car payments and use it to pay off your mortgage.

By focusing on these steps, you can have your 30 year mortgage paid off in 10 years or less! Now, how much extra money would you have this month if you didn't have any credit card payments, car payments, or a house payment? Use this proven system and find out!

Pay Off 30 Year Mortgage in 10 Years - Discover our #1 debt elimination couse that has helped many people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

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