Thursday, October 1, 2009

Early Mortgage Payoff - Joe's Success Story

Joe was like most people who, at one point in life, wanted to get rid of all of his debts and have more control over his own future. He did what a lot of people did, which was to pay a little here and there on his debts and failed. However, Joe was different than most people, he didn't give up on his first try. He wanted an early mortgage payoff.

Most people who try to get out of debt fail. It's because they don't have any focus. Of course, this is understandable. How often do we do something right the first time we attempt it? What Joe discovered was a way to focus paying off his debts in a way that would make it impossible to fail. It was a simple math system that took advantage of the fact that he was deeply in debt.

Joe had the typical debt that everyone else had. He had credit cards, car payments, student loans, and even a mortgage. He knew that if all of this money wasn't going out then he could keep most of it and actually live a nice life. He also knew that he wouldn't have to face the pressure of going to work each day at a job he didn't like because, "it paid the bills." Joe was desperately trying to find a way out.

Then, one day he discovered a unique system called the focused payoff method. With this system, Joe starting listing all of his debts. He made a chart that had the following columns at the top: name of debt, mimimum payment, and total balance owed. Joe listed his debts from smallest to largest in the order that he would pay them off. Most people are worried about interest rates, but Joe knew that it didn't matter. He would just list his debts in this order from the smallest to largest. Then he would focus on paying off the first one and only the first one. He would see success faster by paying off his smallest debts first. He knew that after paying off the first one, he would be more motivated to pay off the second, third, and the rest.

So that's exactly what Joe did. He found some extra money in his monthly expense to start paying off debt. He was able to save money by not eating out at work as much. Instead, he brown bagged his lunch a couple times of week. Also, he had less money taken out of his paycheck in taxes by ajusting his witholding. He just talked to the payroll department at work and filled out a new form. He found other areas in his life to save money on that was being wasted on unnescessary expenses.

When Joe started applying this extra money to his first debt, he was amazed. His credit cards were paid off in a matter of months, not years. Then he paid off his cars. After his credit cards and cars were paid off, he started attacking the mortgage. Joe had quite a bit of money coming in that he was wasting on credit cards and car payments. He used this extra money to pay down on his mortgage. Of course the mortgage took awhile to pay off, but not 30 years. Joe just kept sticking to the plan and paid all of his debts off, including his mortgage in 6 years!

Today Joe doesn't have a house payment, credit card payments, or car payments. He can pay cash for most things, and if he does use a credit card, he pays off the balance quickly. More importantly, Joe is using this extra money to start investing in his retirement. He knows that someday he'd like to enjoy his retirement and travel around the world. He is happier and living a debt-free, stress free live. It all began when he decided to follow this system for an early mortgage payoff.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you focus on your goal of becoming debt-free. Reading articles like this one is a great start.

But where can you find the right information to help pay off your mortgage faster?

Early Mortgage Payoff - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.