Saturday, October 3, 2009

Credit Card Debt Reduction - 4 Proven Ways to Reduce Credit Card Debt

Many people are looking for ways for credit card debt reduction. However, breaking free can seem like one of the toughest things on the planet to do. Read on and discover 4 proven ways to reduce credit card debt. Look at the different scenarios and see which one applies to your situation the most. We'll look at debt relief programs, equity lines of credit, balance transfers, and the focused payoff method.

Debt Relief Programs

Are you getting collection calls and behind on your payments?

Then a debt relief company may be the best option for you. This is for people who don't want to file for bankrupcy, but need relief from their creditors. It should be used as a last resort because it can negatively affect your credit score for many years to come. A debt relief company will contract your creditors and make arrangements to reduce credit card debt for a fee. The fee may be monthly or based on a percentage of your debt. Check with each company to find out.

They can help stop the collection calls, lower your monthly payments, and stop legal action against you. If you're at the end of your rope, this may work for you.

Equity Lines of Credit

Do you have equity built up in your home?

Then this may be a good option for you. With a home equity line of credit, you can get a low interest rate loan by borrowing against the equity in your home. After receiving the loan, then you'll pay off your credit card debt. Of course, be sure to make your new payments on time or the bank could end up with your house!

Balance Transfers

If you still have good credit, then you are probably getting credit card balance transfer offers in the mail. These are the advertisements the offer you a low introductory rate, such as 0%, for switching to a new credit card. The offer usually lasts about 12 months. You can switch your higher interest rates to the new, lower interest rate and save money in interest and get a lower monthly payment. More of your money is applied to the principal, which is a good credit card reduction technique. Be sure that you read the fine print of the transfer fees. Some fees can be as much as 3% of the total balance, which will eat up much of your savings. Also, be sure to find out what your interest rate will be once the introdutory period is over.

Focused Payoff Method

Do you want a proven system to pay off your credit cards in the shortest time frame that doesn't involve getting a loan or switching companies?

If you can still pay all of your bills on time, then the best method to use is the focused payoff method. With this system, you begin by listing all of your debts from smallest to largest. Then, you come up with a little extra money in your budget to pay off debt. Focus all of your extra money on paying off the first debt and only the first debt. Once the first debt has been paid off, then focus paying down on the second one. Keep this process up until all of your debts have been completely wiped out. By using this system, most people can have their credit cards paid off in a matter of months.

How would it feel to be free of big monthly payments each month? What could you do with all of that extra money each month? Use this proven system and find out.

There are plenty of resources out there that can help you focus on your goal of credit card debt reduction. Reading articles like this one is a great start.

But where can you find the right information?

If you would like to learn more about the focused payoff method, then I'd recommend you check out the resource below:

Credit Card Debt Reduction - Discover the #1 debt elimination course that has helped over 300 people obtain a debt-free, stress-free lifestyle.

(This one resource has helped hundreds of people.)

Can you afford not to have this information?

Visit for immediate access.